Monday, March 21, 2011

Nine Months!

Our precious Isabella has been a part of our family for nine months! I can't believe that we have another little girl who fits so well into our family and has bonded so well that it is as if I had given birth to her. This amazes me every day! Thank you God for allowing us to care for this little child of yours!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just Pictures

I have definitely been neglecting the blog but trying to get the last documents together for Abigail and dealing with sickness and recovering from the holidays is my lame excuse. It is amazing how quickly Isabella is growing. When we received the update from Shanghai I was curious how much bigger Isabella would be than her biggest China sister so I measured her. A couple of weeks later Chris commented that he thought she had grown taller overnight so we measured her again. She had grown 1.5 inches! Crazy! I love it but if she keeps it up she's going to tower over her biggest sister! If only her hair would grow as fast!